PhD student, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL (2020 - ?)
MA (History of Design), Royal College of Art/Victoria and Albert Museum (2018-2020)
BA (Politics), Oberlin College (2008-2012)
Academic Roles.
University Of Greenwich, September 2021 - January 2024
Lecturer, BA Architecture
ARCH 1050: Cultural Contexts of Architecture
HART-1004: History of Architecture & Landscape 1
Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
PGTA, BSc Architecture (2021- Present)
PGTA, BARC0101, Ethics and Agency (2023 - Present)
Tutor, Academic Communication Centre (2023 - Present)
Victoria and Albert Museum Fixed Term, Spring/Summer 2023
Curatorial Researcher, V&A East
2022 Research Bursary, Society for the Study of Labour History
2022 Research Access Grant, Design History Society
2020 Individual Research Grant, Furniture History Society
2019 Clive Wainwright Memorial Prize, MA, History of Design and Material Culture, Royal College of Art/Victoria and Albert Museum
Associate Fellow, Advance HE
Published Writing.
A discipline that sat on its treasures, but didn’t see them: Leveraging open-source data to counter market-led design historical narratives, Open Source Data & the Trade in Cultural Heritage, Edited volume by Emiline Smith and Summer Austin, Forthcoming
A ‘facility based on change’ (for the worse): Leveraging labor process theory to understand the evolution of Herman Miller’s Action Office, Histories of Uses and Users of Office Buildings, Forthcoming edited volume
Dreaming of a Better Office, Networking Knowledge Vol 16, No 1, 2021 MeCCSA PGN Conference Special Issue: Dreaming of Another Place, 2023
Design crime in context: Mass-manufactured design, design-as-art, and Chandigarh’s modernist furniture, Art Crime in Context, Edited volume by Naomi Oosterman and Donna Yates, 2022
The Office is Dead! Long Live the Office!, Pandemic Perspectives 2021: Reflections on the Post-COVID World Conference Proceedings, 2022
Modernist Design: From Chandigarh to Christies’, EPOCH Magazine, Issue 4, June 2021
Papers Delivered.
The office is a machine for working in, University of the Arts London, BA Interior Design, April 2024
‘Reins, bridle, spurs, carrot, whip’: Labor Process Theory and Commercial Office Architecture, University of Göttingen - International Labor Process Conference, April 2024
When Good Office Designs Go Bad: Labor Process Theory, the Scanlon Plan, and the Evolution of Herman Miller’s Action Office, University of Luxembourg, BUREU: Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings, November 2023
A discipline that sat on its treasures, but didn’t see them: The Chandigarh Chairs auction database, auction data, mass-produced design, and Design History, University of Glasgow/University College London, Researching a Rigged Game: Open Source Data & the Trade in Cultural Objects, September 2023
Twenty-First Century Taylorism: Architects, Management, and the Perpetuation of the Open Office, DocTalks, April 2023
When good office designs go bad: Theory Y, Mid-Century ideology, and the evolution of Herman Miller’s Action Office, Institute for Historical Research HistoryLab, March 2023
Online Auction Data as Primary Material: The Chandigarh Chairs Auction Database, Society of Architectural Historians Historic Interiors Affiliate Group, Digital Interiors: Emerging Scholars Symposium, June 2022
Chandigarh Chairs and Design History: What’s the point?, SPA Bhopal Department of Design, April 2022
More Markets, more movement, less truth: Chandigarh's modernist furniture and the market for mid-century modern, Ius Commune Conference Maastricht, November 2021
A history of continuity: Office interiors, capitalism, and the labor process, Power, Production and Perception: Reconsidering Space and the Built Environment, De Montfort and Coventry Universities, September 2021
Dreaming of a Better Office: Architecture and Labor, MeCCSA PGN Conference, University of Brighton, September 2021
The Market can not be Decolonized: Chandigarh’s Modernist Furniture, Design History Society 2021 Conference, September 2021
Problematizing Second Hand Cultures: Chandigarh’s Modernist Furniture, Cardiff University, Secondhand Cultures in Unsettled Times Symposium, June 2021
The Office is Dead! Long Live the Office!: The Coronavirus Pandemic and the Future of Office Spaces, Pandemic Perspectives Conference, April 2021
Chandigarh Chairs: Unpacking a Constructed Narrative, Nottingham Trent History Postgraduate Conference 2021 - Hidden Histories, February 2021
Resistance is futile: Modernist chairs in Star Trek (and beyond), Trinity HistoryCon, November 2020.
Chandigarh Chairs: Missing Histories, Bangalore International Center, September 2020
Chandigarh Chairs, Furniture History Society Early Career Development Work in Progress Presentation, July 2020
‘With Glory Rather Than Gore’, V&A/RCA History of Design Symposium, December 2019, Victoria and Albert Museum
Where do you cry in an open-plan office? Changing Natures of Office Furniture Design and White-Collar Work, 1904-2019, Furniture History Society Early Career Development Conference, November 2019, The Wallace Collection
Where do you cry in an open office? The cubicle, the open office, and the dehumanization of white collar work, Working Class Studies Association Conference, September 2019, University of Kent
Professional experience.
Development Manager, WTTW|WFMT, June 2016 - August 2018 Wrote and executed basic member renewal letter campaign, with fundraising target of over $800,000 per year Primary manager of two yearly on-air membership drives, raising over $2 Million per year Stewarded a portfolio of 100 high net worth individuals Created electronic communication and design for Development Department through MailChimp software Planned and executed volunteer and donor stewardship and cultivation events Administered Bach to School program, donating sets of classical music to over 250 Chicagoland classrooms
Special Events Coordinator, National Kidney Foundation of Illinois, December 2014 – June 2016 Managed 5 fundraising events: 5K Walk, Gala, Golf Tournament, Endurance Program and Associate Board Bar Party Oversaw all elements of fundraising events from sponsorship solicitation and walker management to logistical execution and long term planning Re-branded the NKFI's Young Professionals group into the Associate Board, resulting in a doubling of active members Increased Walk for Kidneys participation by 1,000 individuals and $20,000 (8%) in FY 2016 Oversaw highest fundraising NKFI Gift of Life Gala to date, raising over $380,000 (22% increase from PY) Expanded Team Kidney Endurance Program into the Chicago market with upcoming participation in the Chicago Half Marathon and 5K
Fundraising Specialist and Walker Coach, Avon Walk for Breast Cancer, November 2013 – November 2014 Lead a portfolio of 700+ Avon Walk participants in Houston and Chicago to highest per-participant fundraising total in recent history Became go-to staff person for quantitative research and analysis, instituting new data procedures Managed all Team fundraising programs and activities in the Houston Area Promoted and staffed recruitment and retention events in both Chicago and Houston markets Fielded incoming calls, providing customer service, answering questions and facilitating registrations for Avon Walks Staffed Avon Walk for Breast Cancer events, including event production, on-event customer service and re-registration
Light the Night Campaign Aide, Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, June 2013 – October 2013 (Contract Position) Supervised a portfolio of 170+ teams fundraising for the 2013 Light the Night Walk Responsible for continuous maintenance and patron entry into the LLS donor database Supported organization and execution of three Light the Night Walks as well as related kickoff and fundraising events Assisted in management of the Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs corporate walk teams Secured and managed all in-kind donations for approximately 8,000 walk participants
Development Assistant, WBAI, Pacifica Radio in New York, October 2012– June 2013 Assisted with planning and execution of events including the WBAI Silent Art Auction fundraiser, raising a record $60,000 Engineered and executed digital and telephone customer support program for lost or damaged WBAI premiums Overhauled and updated WBAI producer, donor and listener databases over a variety of software platforms Wrote and edited content for the WBAI monthly e-newsletter and website